Strength & Conditioning
5 Foods To Consider for a Muscle-Building Diet
While no one food will make you stronger, there are some foods that can aid in the process. In addition to muscle-building training, eating protein-rich, higher-calorie foods aids muscle growth. Your body then needs a... more »
Vanderbilt Using Motion Capture Technology to Assess Movement Patterns
It starts as persistent and irritating pain in the foot or lower leg, then it gets more intense, maybe with swelling, and soon a runner knows she’s being sidelined by one of the most common... more »
Using the Pool in Strength Training
Many of our coaches used to laugh when I told them their athletes could benefit from a water workout. They were under the impression that a water workout meant simply splashing around and having fun... more »
Four Best Exercises for Hip Mobility
Mobility exercises are the not-so-secret way to fast-track your fitness goals, whatever they are. Not only is mobility important for your overall physical health and longevity, but it also promotes muscle activation, decreases pain and... more »
The Core Benefits of Planking
Most people have heard of planking, but there are also plenty of misconceptions about what this move entails. Although there are lots of variations and modifications, a plank is an isometric exercise that targets the... more »
Study: Right-Handed Pitchers More Flexible than Lefties
For almost as long as the game has been played, left-handed pitchers have been a rare commodity in baseball. But now, a recent study suggests that right-handed pitchers have more external rotation, humeral retroversion, and... more »
Study Suggests Exercise Will Not Offset a Poor Diet
New research has found that high levels of physical activity do not counteract the detrimental effects of a poor diet on mortality risk. The University of Sydney-led study found participants who had both high levels... more »
College Football Twitter Reacts to Strength Coach’s Record Salary
It's a good thing Oklahoma State's Rob Glass knows how to properly lift heavy weights because the Cowboys strength and conditioning coach will be walking around with a fat wallet. Glass became the first strength... more »