Strength & Conditioning

2022 Strength Coaches Survey Results

Strength and conditioning coaches have two primary goals. The first is to improve athletic performance, which usually means improving athletes' speed, strength, and power through systematic training programs for both teams and individual athletes, often... more »

Insights for Powerlifting with a 2X IPF World Champion

To fit in with the current Issue theme of ‘Strength & Conditioning’, two-time IPF World Champion Andy Askow recently sat down to share some wisdom about his passion for both powerlifting and performance nutrition.  Andy... more »

Blood Flow Restriction Training For Injured Athletes

Blood flow restriction training, also known as BFR or occlusion training, helps athletes recover from injury or surgery. It uses special equipment to safely prevent low-oxygen blood from leaving the targeted muscle. At the same... more »

The Benefits of Battle Ropes

Battle ropes offer benefits for people of all fitness levels. They’re simple to set up, simple to use, require minimal instruction and will raise your heart rate without having to go on these dull cardio... more »

The Difference Between Hypertrophy & Strength Training

Many people use the terms hypertrophy and strength training interchangeably, but they are actually two different things! A recent story from Discover Magazine highlighted the differences and similarities between hypertrophy and strength training. Below is... more »

Dryland Training Tips for the Active Swimmer

When training to become a top-flight swimmer, it's equally as important to train on the land as it is to train in the pool. A recent story from Swimming World Magazine gave a few dryland... more »

Indiana Initiative Aims to Unite Health Care Systems with Fitness Professionals

Exercise is Medicine (EIM) in Indiana, announced an initiative to bring together fitness professionals, healthcare systems, providers, and community resources to better integrate physical activity into American healthcare. A story from Club Industry highlighted the... more »

3 Ways to Build Athleticism in Basketball Players

Basketball season is right around the corner, and, if you haven't already, now is the perfect time to begin building your foundation of athleticism. A recent story from highlighted three ways basketball players can... more »

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