Strength & Conditioning

How to Master the Power Clean

The power clean is an explosive whole body movement used by weightlifters and athletes to develop strength and power. While it began as an essential Olympic weightlifting movement, the power clean has become a staple... more »

Carbs to Consider When Building Muscle

When looking to build muscle, most people tend to gravitate toward adding more protein to their diets. And while protein is essential for muscle growth and recovery, it is not the only nutrient that can... more »

Keep Your Heart Healthy With Strength Training

Looking to keep your heart healthy in addition to the rest of your body? Keep reading. A recent column from Kyle Crouse, a certified strength and conditioning specialist, appeared on the website and outlined... more »

Increased Exercise Lowers ‘Preventable’ Deaths in Older Adults

Small increases in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity among older adults in the United States prevent up to an estimated 275,000 deaths annually, a study published Monday JAMA Internal Medicine found. By adding 30 minutes per day of... more »

What You Need To Know About VO2 Max

If you exercise regularly, you probably keep track of how many minutes you work out, how many calories your burn, and your heart rate. But there’s another indicator that can help you improve your aerobic... more »

Tips to Improve Your Pull-Up Form

The pullup is considered an advanced exercise. It’s more difficult than the chin-up. But the pull-up can be modified or done on an assisted machine for beginners, and you’ll still get benefits from these variations.... more »

Building Both Muscle & Strength

Generally speaking, training to get strong involves low sets of heavy weights, while training to pack on muscle – also known as hypertrophy training – involves higher reps of light to moderate weight. A recent article... more »

Researchers Link NBA ACL Injuries to Driving Towards Hoop

For ages basketball coaches from youth leagues to the NBA preached that their players attack the rim and go for the highest percentage shot. Heck, the game even rewards this style of play — granting... more »

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