Training & Conditioning

This Shoulder Exercise is Done In Many NFL Weight Rooms

Certain muscle groups are just better suited for endurance training than others. Muscles that support fine motor skills, as well as those involved in rotational movements, are two examples that come to mind. All muscle... more »

Building Speed in the Trenches

Life happens pretty fast when playing in the trenches. Massive bodies colliding through an explosive burst, jockeying for positioning for 50 to 100 snaps a game. In football, success and failure are delineated by a... more »

7 Stages of Long-Term Athletic Development

The Long-Term Athlete Development (LTAD) model describes what children, youth, and adults need to be doing at the right time to develop in sport or activity. According to Istvan Balyi, Richard Way, and Colin Higgs,... more »

The Ins & Outs of Plyometrics Training

Plyometrics is a type of exercise training that uses the speed and force of different movements to build muscle power. Plyometrics training can improve your physical performance and ability to do different activities. Plyometrics can include... more »

New York ATCs Push for Updated Bill to Improve Safety

Since 1992, athletic trainers across New York State have been pushing for updated regulations that control what they can and cannot do. Many cite the evolving duties, training procedures, and capabilities that ATCs now possess... more »

Keep Your Heart Healthy With Strength Training

Looking to keep your heart healthy in addition to the rest of your body? Keep reading. A recent column from Kyle Crouse, a certified strength and conditioning specialist, appeared on the website and outlined... more »

Increased Exercise Lowers ‘Preventable’ Deaths in Older Adults

Small increases in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity among older adults in the United States prevent up to an estimated 275,000 deaths annually, a study published Monday JAMA Internal Medicine found. By adding 30 minutes per day of... more »

What You Need To Know About VO2 Max

If you exercise regularly, you probably keep track of how many minutes you work out, how many calories your burn, and your heart rate. But there’s another indicator that can help you improve your aerobic... more »

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