Training & Conditioning
One Frame at a Time
Take your rehab to a higher level by using digital video and accompanying software to analyze movement, progress, and outcomes.
By Larry Jaffe & Gray Cook
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Good Reads
Take a break from your textbooks and check out these career-advancing titles.
By Abigail Funk
Abigail Funk is an Assistant Editor at Training & Conditioning. She can be reached at: [email protected].
As a college student, you undoubtedly do a lot of reading for your classes. But are the books your professors assign enough to make you the best athletic trainer you can be? Are there other books, besides your college textbooks, that should be lining your shelves?
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Pumping Up Your Program
With a little planning, any high school can implement a sport-specific strength-training program. It starts with identifying your needs and selling the idea to school administrators.
Nate Dougherty is an Assistant Editor at Training & Conditioning. He can be reached at: [email protected].
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Taking Care of You
Keeping athletes healthy is your job, but that shouldn’t mean shortchanging yourself. Wholesome nutrition can fit into your hectic schedule, and our expert shows you how.
By Leslie Bonci
Leslie Bonci, MPH, RD, LDN, is Director of Sports Nutrition at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and serves as a consultant to the Pittsburgh Steelers, Pitt athletics, and several area high schools.
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Big Job, Small Staff
Being a head athletic trainer with just one or two assistants presents a management challenge: How do you be a boss and a supportive co-worker at the same time?
By Laura Smith
Laura Smith is an Assistant Editor at Training & Conditioning. She can be reached at: [email protected].
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Debra Iwasaki, University of California-Los Angeles
With bachelor’s degrees in psychology and kinesiology from UCLA and a master’s in physical therapy from Boston University, Debra Iwasaki wanted to work in the “real world” upon graduation in 1990. She had enjoyed her work as an athletic training student, but was eager to delve into physical therapy and experience treating a broad range of patients.
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Strength of Spirit
The sport of cheerleading requires agility, flexibility, and power. At the University of Tennessee, strength coaches have developed a customized program to help the Volunteers reach new heights.
By Dan Hamilton & Brian Gearity
Dan Hamilton, MS, ATC, CSCS, SCCC, and Brian Gearity, MS, ATC, CSCS, SCCC, USAW, are Assistant Strength Coaches at the University of Tennessee. Hamilton works directly with the cheerleading, dance, and golf teams, while Gearity has worked with baseball, cheerleading, dance, and football.
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Bird Flu: Not Cause for Panic
President Bush has discussed our need to be prepared for it. The evening news has warned of its potentially devastating impact. The government is stockpiling vaccine to guard against it. It is H5N1 avian influenza, commonly known as the Asian bird flu, and scientists predict that it could reach the United States some time this fall or winter. As an athletic trainer, should you be alarmed?
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