May 16, 2022
This Shoulder Exercise is Done In Many NFL Weight Rooms

Certain muscle groups are just better suited for endurance training than others. Muscles that support fine motor skills, as well as those involved in rotational movements, are two examples that come to mind.

All muscle groups are not created equal, especially in terms of their form, function, and injury risk. For this reason, it’s important to think of resistance levels and repetition counts as changeable factors depending on the muscle groups involved in a given exercise.

shoulderOne of the most important parts that all NFL players put their efforts into is working their shoulders.

A recent story from Men’s Health magazine highlighted what some NFL teams are doing to increase strength and power in their athletes’ shoulders.

Below is an excerpt from that story.

Men’s Health adviser David Jack participated in a training session of an NFL team, where he came across a unique shoulder exercise called the Three-Way Shoulder series.

This exercise was developed by former strength and conditioning coach of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Mike Morris.

“It’s an absolute burner for your shoulders,” Jack told Men’s Health.

“But more importantly, it’ll help improve your shoulder stability long-term, and allow you to lift heavier weights when you do ‘big lifts’ like presses.”

To perform this exercise, you just need two one-kg weights – one in each hand. Keep your feet underneath your body, close together.

Raise your arms up and keep them extended. Hold them for a full second, before you bring them forward and pause for another second. Then, back to the outside and return to the bottom, which is your starting position.

» ALSO SEE: Tips for Integrating the Snatch and Clean & Jerk

“To stay versatile and explosive, you have to bounce around,” three-time NFL Defensive Player of the Year, J.J. Watt, told Men’s Fitness.

“I do long, extensive workouts and we go all over the place-from the field to the weight room, to different surfaces. It all plays a part.”

To read the full story from Men’s Health, click here. 

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