Aug 8, 2023
NHSSCA launches certification program

The National High School Strength Coaches Association (NHSSCA) has introduced the High School Strength Coach Certification (HSSCC) Program, the first certification program specifically for high school strength & conditioning coaches. The announcement was made at the association’s national convention (NATCON) in June.

The NHSSCA currently has over 200 coaches working on their HSSCC. The association will then use the feedback from these coaches to launch the next phases of the certification program.

nhsscaThe HSSCC is aimed to bridge the gap for strength coaches, sport coaches, and physical education instructors to be able to implement safe and sound programming in their setting. The certification entails:
• Full lifetime access for certified professional members
• Over 40 hours of on-demand content
• 12 Units | 43 Chapters
• 43 quizzes | 24 Case Studies
• High-quality, animated exercises (Coming Dec 1, 2023)
• Access on mobile and desktop
• Certificate of Completion

A key feature of the HSSCC is 24 case studies, presenting examples that could happen in the high school strength and conditioning setting, incorporating the situations in private, small, or large high school settings. Coaches can take the knowledge learned and apply it to real-world situations and receive guided responses.

“Any coach that is impacting young athletes should have a base knowledge in order to safely and effectively train their athletes,” said NHSSCA President Eric Cash. “There are countless schools that may not have a qualified and certified strength professional. Through the HSSCC, the NHSSCA aims to bridge the gap for coaches and educators that are working with high school athletes by delivering content relevant to coaches working in the high school setting. Furthermore, through the NHSSCA and the HSSCC program, coaches have the opportunity to collaborate and network with other high school strength professionals from around the country. We are very pleased to offer the HSSCC to high school athletic departments around the country.”

*This is an issued press release from the NHSSCA. To visit the organization’s website, click here. 

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