Aug 20, 2024Fueling the busy student-athlete
Student-athletes have a lot on their plates. But that should be even more reason to ensure they are fueling properly to perform at their peak. For a recent story with Kettering Health, Dr. Cindy Cassell,... more »
Aug 20, 2024How mental toughness affects crunch-time performance
The ability of athletes to perform under pressure is crucial in determining their success. Choking, or the failure to perform at an expected level despite the motivation and ability to do so, is a phenomenon... more »
Aug 20, 2024Are you more likely to suffer a concussion on grass or artificial turf?
Are concussions more likely to occur on grass fields or artificial turf? A recent study of Texas middle and high school football players sought to answer that very question. The study found that football athletes... more »
Jul 12, 2024Using Gua Sha to enhance athletic performance
Tom Brady was able to play professional football until he was 45. One of his training secrets is to sculpt his body using pliability and flexibility. When he was 26, he had an elbow injury... more »
Jun 19, 2024Enraf-Nonius partners with Kismet Holdings Group to bring an unmatched selection of elite rehabilitation and recovery modalities
Enraf-Nonius, a global market leader in rehabilitation and physiotherapy equipment, is expanding its premier technology portfolio to the U.S. for the first time in its 100-year history. An official launch will occur at the National... more »
May 22, 2024KU Well-Fit Center for Youth Wellness and Fitness will take STEM approach
The Achievement & Assessment Institute (AAI) has announced the opening of Well-Fit|Center for Youth Wellness and Fitness. The center is based on the principle that youths should be provided knowledge and skills through STEM learning... more »
May 22, 2024Study: Higher training volume leads to increased size, not strength
Which way is better to improve strength in athletes through weight training — high reps and low weight or low reps and high weight? A new study explores this idea. The study, which was presented at... more »