Time To Eat
Cross country runners need a lot of calories, and they need to consume them at the right times. Our expert offers suggestions for fueling before, during, and after practice… more »
Armed & Ready, Part 2
Last week, we introduced the offseason strength training regimen for the Texas Tech University baseball team. This week, we take a look at the program’s first training block… more »
Having a Ball
Looking to add something new to workouts? Physio ball exercises work the core, posterior chain, and inner thigh and can also be used for rehab… more »
The Power of Push-Ups
These push-up variations can help athletes make even greater strength gains while also mixing up their training routine… more »
Tough Job
Taking over a losing team can be a tough row to hoe. But it can also be a rewarding experience if you follow the right path… more »
Armed & Ready, Part 1
A look at the offseason strength and conditioning program, which is split into four unique training blocks, for Texas Tech University baseball players… more »
Nutrition Education
In Pittsburgh, a new program provides education to high school student-athletes on many areas of sports nutrition… more »
Small Muscles Play Big Role
It’s easy to overlook the smaller and lesser-known muscles, but training them is essential to keeping athletes injury free… more »