Dr. AT
Pursuing a doctorate in athletic training can be personally and professionally challenging on many levels, but — as this athletic trainer found out — also well worth it… more »
Developing Expertise
Becoming an expert in an area of athletic training does not happen overnight. However, a number of considerations can put you on the right path… more »
Action on Opioids
With the opioid crisis in America deepening, those in athletics may wonder if they have a role to play in prevention efforts. The Tempe (Ariz.) Union High School District is testing out one possibility… more »
Hindsight is 20/20
Looking back over her 40-year career, there are a few lessons Medfield (Mass.) High School Head Athletic Trainer Maria Hutsick wishes she had learned earlier. She shares them here… more »
Total Athlete Approach
Combine sports medicine, strength and conditioning, sports nutrition, and psychological services, and the result is the newly formed Integrative Performance Excellence Group at Duke University… more »
Partners in Education
Instead of handling the upcoming athletic training degree change alone, these two schools teamed up to offer a mutually beneficial solution… more »
A Year of Pitch Counts
This spring marked the first high school baseball season with nationwide pitch count rules. Here’s a look at how it went… more »
Too Much Protein
Although popular among teen athletes, doctors at an Ohio hospital say protein powder consumption isn’t necessary and, in some cases, can be dangerous… more »