Meet the Needs

Getting an athlete with ADHD to focus in a busy athletic training room can be a challenge, but there are many practical steps athletic trainers can take to help… more »

Partner in Care

When athletic trainers and school nurses work together, the level of care provided only improves. Getting to this point requires communication and mutual respect… more »

Factor in Feelings

A recently published study suggests that emotional response to injury can play a significant role in patients’ outcomes following ACL reconstruction… more »

Two Things At Once

Using a “walk and think” test to assess athletes’ recovery after a concussion may help prevent re-injury down the road… more »

When Healthy Turns Harmful

Athletes eliminating junk food in favor of fruits and vegetables might sound great. But an obsession with clean eating has a name — orthorexia — and can have debilitating consequences… more »

Pumped Up

When new moms resume their athletic training duties, they sometimes have to find creative ways to pump breast milk. Here’s how one athletic trainer handled it when traveling with her team… more »

Texas high school soccer team makes headgear mandatory

Shad Green, who coaches the girls’ soccer team at Diamond Hill-Jarvis High School in Texas, has made protective headgear mandatory for his players… more »

Jim Berry, Most Valuable Athletic Trainer 2018

Article Image:Copy before teaser:Yesterday, we honored our 2018 winner: Jim Berry from Conway (S.C.) High School. Here, he reflects on what this award means to him.Back in December, Marion Shaw, Athletic Director at Conway (S.C.)... more »

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