Assessing Proper Hydration in Athletes
Dehydration is a condition in which the body loses more fluids than what is taken in. This is of particular concern during exercise as dehydration impairs physiologic and cognitive function, increases the risk of heat... more »
The Color of Sports Drinks May Keep You Running Faster & Longer
According to a recent study, there may be a connection between motivation and the color of sports drinks we choose to consume. The study, published in Frontiers of Nutrition and shared through, found that... more »
Physical Activity and Its Role in Appetite Regulation
Competitive athletes all have a common goal: to optimize performance and recovery. This happens through training to enhance technical skills and through physiological adaptation. Optimal performance, recovery, and physiological adaptation all have ties to nutrition,... more »
What the Science Says about Grounding & Its Benefits
Grounding, also referred to as earthing — what is it exactly, and how can it be beneficial in the recovery process? It is a therapeutic technique that involves doing activities that “ground” or electrically reconnect... more »
Best Creatine Supplements to Consider for 2021
Creatine is a nitrogenous organic acid that helps supply energy to cells throughout the body, particularly muscle cells. It occurs naturally in red meat and fish, it is made by the body, and it can... more »
3 Tips to Strengthening an Athlete’s Heart
Physical activity, in general, is a great way to maintain a healthy heart. In fact, it's one of the best tools to strengthen your heart muscle, maintaining weight, and fend off issues such as high... more »
A Guide to Fat Intake for Athletes
For athletes, proper nutrition is the fuel for reaching peak performance. An e-book, Nutrition Guide: Fueling for Performance by TrueSport, shared by, broke down the eight steps in building a strong nutrition plan for... more »
5 Foods for Fast Muscle Recovery
Post-workout meals play an important role in muscle recovery. It can not only speed up the recovery process but lightens that soreness feeling the next day. In a recent article on, they shared five... more »