Injury Prevention

WCU teams up with Penn State on concussion impact research

In the spring of 2021, Clayton Bardall approached Martin Tanaka, a professor in WCU’s College of Engineering and Technology, about a project to use instrumented mouthguards to record head impacts with the hope of making... more »

Study examines abnormal heart function among elite athletes

A recent study involving nearly 300 elite athletes found that one in six has cardiac measures that would normally suggest reduced heart function. Further genetic analysis found that those same athletes also had an enrichment... more »

Study: Advanced footwear tech positively impacts elite sprint performances

A scientific study published in PeerJ Life & Environment sheds light on the potential game-changing impact of advanced footwear technology (AFT) on elite sprint performances in track and field. The research, titled "The Potential Impact of... more »

UAB Sports & Exercise Medicine opens new clinic

The University of Alabama-Birmingham Sports and Exercise Medicine service line opens its new clinic at UAB Hospital-Highlands on Monday. It moves from its former location on the first floor to a newly renovated clinical space... more »

Benefits of cold-weather running

Some year-round runners dread plunging temperatures, but according to recent research, the benefits of running in the cold weather outweigh warm weather running—and could help you burn bad fat, lose more weight, and make you... more »

Study: factors that contribute to sports function after ACL repair

A recent study published in Sage Publications detailed the factors that contribute to sports function a year after ACL repair. Below is an excerpt from that details the findings of the study. One of... more »

Study: Sudden cardiac arrest deaths in college athletes decline

According to a recent study, deaths due to sudden cardiac arrest among college student-athletes have been in decline over the last 20 years. Researchers from the American Heart Association analyzed data from more than 2... more »

How to prevent shin splints

Shin splints, also known as medial tibial stress syndrome, are not uncommon, especially among runners, dancers, and individuals who suddenly intensify their training or change their workout. “This also happens in new military recruits. A... more »

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