Dec 6, 2023
UAB Sports & Exercise Medicine opens new clinic

The University of Alabama-Birmingham Sports and Exercise Medicine service line opens its new clinic at UAB Hospital-Highlands on Monday. It moves from its former location on the first floor to a newly renovated clinical space on the third floor.

The expansion offers patients greater accessibility to existing clinical programs by housing multiple services in one space, like non-operative and surgical sports medicine. It also welcomes numerous sub-specialties, including sports nutrition, cardio sports medicine, exercise in pregnancy, and physical medicine and rehabilitation in sports.

uabThe state-of-the-art, multi-disciplinary facility features 22 exam rooms, two procedure rooms, two x-ray rooms (shared with Family and Community Medicine), and an exercise room crafted for patient rehabilitation. The clinic offers same-day bracing services to provide immediate support and care to injured patients. Furthermore, it is now equipped to offer dynamic imaging. FDA-approved, the low-dose X-ray imaging technique captures 20 seconds of anatomy in motion, providing doctors valuable insights into patient health.

Each Sports and Exercise Medicine provider will have at least one, half-day clinic in the new space. This team of skilled physicians is knowledgeable in ultrasound-guided diagnostic procedures for noninvasive visualization of deep tissue structures within the body. New, hand-held ultrasound devices afforded to providers will enable them to diagnose a broader spectrum of medical conditions.

“We are excited to open this new, state-of-the-art sports and exercise medicine clinic,” says Amit Momaya, M.D., Section Chief of Sports Medicine. “This is the clinic in Alabama that truly provides a comprehensive approach to our patients by delivering non-surgical and surgical treatments, nutritional plans, psychological assessments, biologic injections, and performance enhancement evaluations in one area.”

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From weekend warriors to elite professional athletes, UAB Sports and Exercise Medicine is committed to serving active individuals of all proficiency levels. Its primary mission in creating this cutting-edge clinic is to deliver comprehensive care to a diverse patient population.

*This is an issued press release from the University of Alabama-Birmingham. 

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