Nov 10, 2020Giants Player Credits Trainer For Saving Wife’s Life
Typically, athletic trainers are working to keep players healthy to stay on the field for gameday. But when it came to the New York Giants’ training staff, they helped save a life off the field last week.
Safety Logan Ryan and his wife were flying down to Florida to vote in the presidential election when Ryan’s wife, Ashley Bragg Ryan, was complaining of severe stomach pains, according to a report from The New York Post. When Ryan relayed the symptoms to a member of the Giants’ training staff, he immediately told the Ryans to head to the emergency room, The Post reported.

“I was leaving the stadium around 1 a.m. and she was telling me about some pains she had in her stomach,” Ryan told The Post. “I told her she wanted to sleep it off. She said she was in extreme pain but she would wait until the morning. I talked to one of our trainers about the symptoms and he said, ‘No, she needs to go to the [emergency room].’ ”
Upon reaching the emergency room, Ashley was diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy, a condition caused by a fertilized egg growing outside of a woman’s uterus and can lead to life-threatening bleeding.
“The egg was about to burst, so she ended up going to emergency surgery and they ended up saving her and preventing a lot of what could’ve been done,” Ryan told The Post. “A trainer on our team, Justin Maher, telling my wife to go to the ER at 1 a.m. could’ve saved her life — or saved a lot of internal bleeding there. That’s the type of organization we have here.”
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“There are really good trainers here. There are really good people behind the scenes working hard for us to get wins, and I’ll do everything I can to play for a coach like that and play for an organization like this because if that wasn’t the case, I don’t know if my wife would be here today. And, honestly, I’m extremely grateful for this organization and for Joe and for everyone to understand things bigger than football, especially this year,” Ryan continued to The Post. “Joe said, ‘If you need to fly to Florida, don’t worry about football.’ That’s what Joe is as a man and as a coach. I know we care about X’s and O’s and winning and losing, but there are really good people here. That’s why I came here.”
To read the full story from The New York Post about the Giants’ training staff coming to the aid of Ryan’s wife, click here.