Reinforcing fundamental movements in athletes

Fundamental movement skills like running, backpedaling or decelerating seem like they should come naturally. But that’s not always the case… more »

5 basic exercises that produce results

Basic exercises are often the most effective. There are a handful of simple yet effective exercises that are easy to learn and require minimal equipment… more »

Drexel’s Dragon Gels gives athletes an energy boost

The blue raspberry-flavored Dragon Gels are made from gelatin, filtered water, fructose, glucose, and blue powder that’s like sugar and has a berry flavor… more »

4 plyometric exercises for basketball players

Jacky Anderson provides a guide for how to incorporate plyometrics into your basketball team’s strength and conditioning program… more »

Fueling Stations

In Western Pennsylvania, partnerships are bringing nutrition to high school athletes through 5-foot-tall fueling stations on wheels… more »

Still in the Game

How do you keep an injured player involved with the team? A veteran coach and administrator offers his tips… more »

Small Loads, Big Results

It’s well known that lifting heavy loads can lead to gains in strength and power, but new research suggests low loads and higher reps can be just as effective… more »

RED-S and how it impacts athletes

When athletes experience low energy for an extended period of time it can lead to relative energy deficiency syndrome (RED-S). Here’s a closer look at the problem… more »

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