Jan 12, 2021
Study: 11 Minutes of Exercise Leads to Longer Life

Eleven minutes a day is all it takes to live a longer, healthier life, according to a new study.

The Norwegian School of Sports Medicine released a new study that suggests 11 minutes of exercise can give you some long-term health benefits and longevity.

Photo: Thoroughly Reviewed / Creative Commons

Sampling more than 44,000 men and women for a period between four and 15 years, the study saw 3,451 participants pass away during research, according to an article in Travel & Leisure magazine. They used activity monitors to measure “moderate-to-vigorous” physical activity and later compared these findings to participant’s time while sedentary.

Overall, people who worked out 35 minutes a day saw the biggest results in terms of health, especially joint health, but the study also showed that people who exercised at least 11 minutes a day could also see some benefits.

The issue brought up by Travel & Leisure noted that the study relied on “self-reported exposure data,” meaning they relied on the memories of the participants as opposed to hard data.

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“Self-reported assessment of physical activity and sedentary behaviors is prone to misclassification and social desirability bias, likely underestimates sedentary time and has limited validity for estimating both light-intensity and total amount of physical activity,” it says in the study.

Some examples of moderate exercise include brisk walks, major cleaning (such as vacuuming or mopping), mowing the lawn, or taking a light bike ride, according to Harvard University. And as an even bigger boost, spending some time in nature while you move around can also improve your mental health as well as physical health.

To read the full study from the Norwegian School of Sports Medicine, click here.  

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