May 27, 2021
Is Burnout Having a Negative Impact on Your Workouts?

Burnout. We’ve all felt it before to one degree or another in varying circumstances. Whether in the workplace or in the weight room, the burnout factor is real and can have real ramifications, like depression, if not dealt with correctly.

According to the Mayo Clinic, it’s considered a state of physical or emotional exhaustion that involves a sense of reduced accomplishment and even a loss of personal identity. It may not be a medical diagnosis, but burnout has been proven to affect both the physical and mental health of individuals.

burnoutA recent article in discussed the notion of burnout during training regimens and how to combat it. Below is an excerpt from that article.

Signs Burnout Is Impacting Your Workout

  • Working Out Becomes A Chore
    “When you’re burnt out, working out becomes a bit more of a chore, and you find you have to force yourself to get to the gym or go for a run,” says Dr. Ben Connolly, ND, co-creator of the Burnout Blueprint and Cornerstone Naturopathic.  He adds that the mix of lack of motivation and stress impacts your fitness goals not only through lack of exercise but also physical changes, resulting from hormones.
  • You’re Probably Not Feeling Fully Rested
    The most significant symptom to look for is whether you’re waking up rested in the morning. Are you waking at a consistent time? Or are you negotiating with the snooze button? Telling yourself I don’t really need that shower today, right?

How Do You Combat Burnout?

  • Identify Stressors
    According to Dr. Connolly, treating burnout successfully involves making some intentional changes in your lifestyle. Taking an inventory of all the stressors and demands you are under, both professionally and personally. Identifying which of these stressors are glass balls (aka when they drop, they break; such as kids, partners, self-care, friends, and your job) and which are plastic (the ones that bounce; such as cleaning, intense exercise, cooking, commute to work, social media, etc.)
  • Sleep & Nutrition
    “Prioritizing adequate sleep and nutrition are the two areas I recommend focusing on to help achieve our fitness goals,” explains Dr. Connolly. “Good energy comes from good sleep. When you have sustainable energy, you make healthier meal choices, you prepare things in advance, and you can fuel your body.”

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    In short, focusing on sleep and eating as healthy as possible means your body will get strong and decrease its burnout response. It’s not just about getting back to the gym or your fitness routine quickly, it’s about recovering from burnout so you can continue to do this. “Remember, burnout is a physiological response in our bodies similar to a ‘fight-or-flight response,” adds Dr. Connolly.

    To read the full article from, click here

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