Oct 5, 2020
Food & Exercise: Recipe for a Healthy Life

Eating proper food and regularly exercising is a pair that goes hand-in-hand with one another. Though not as recognizable as other great pairings — peanut butter and jelly, ketchup and mustard, and milk and cereal — having proper nutrition and frequent exercise are the main ingredients for living a healthy life.

In a recent opinion piece from The Daily Times (Maryville, TN), Joe Black, PT, DPT, SCS, ATC, expressed his thoughts on how the pairing can sometimes be the best medicine for people.

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Below is an excerpt from Black’s column:

“Most of the health problems today can be positively influenced by daily exercise and proper nutrition. That’s right, daily. Not three days a week. Every day.


Heart disease: Exercise is essential. Diabetes: Exercise can help you manage it by making available insulin more effective. Cancer? Yes! Certain types of cancer can be influenced by exercise but if you are facing a cancer battle, a good level of fitness will help you win that battle.

Asthma? Back pain? Dementia?  High blood pressure? Obesity? Osteoporosis? Exercise can help allievate those ailments.

It’s time for us to think of food as medicine. What? How? Take something as simple as inflammation. Certain foods help it, other foods promote it. High blood pressure? Some foods are useful in treating it, some foods make it worse. You need to find out which is which.

It’s that magic pill you’ve been looking for. The elixir for most of what ails you. The secret potion that will help you be healthier, live longer and be happier.

It’s easy to stay at rest. It’s easy to stay in bed and hit the snooze alarm. It’s easy to spend Sunday afternoon on the couch, watching television.

Here’s one of the best things about an exercise pill — the effects are immediate. You don’t have to exercise every day for a month to feel better. Results are guaranteed.”

To read the full column for Joe Black in The Daily Times, click here

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