Jun 16, 2017
Faster Recovery, Stronger Muscles

Resistance incline bodyweight training is a form of functional exercise that recruits multiple muscle groups together, as an athlete dynamically pulls or pushes his own weight.

Total Gym created the ELEVATE Circuit to provide an opportunity in the incline bodyweight resistance training arena, working the athlete only at a percentage of their own bodyweight.  Each machine in the ELEVATE Circuit targets certain muscles and muscle groups depending on which unit an athlete is using at any particular time.  The circuit benefits include:

–    Functionally strengthened muscles

–    Improved range of motion

–    Increased joint stability and mobility

–    Improved coordination

–    Increased explosive power through plyometric movement

–    Reliable tools for assessing specific body strengths

–    Joint friendly, non-compressive

–    A cardio workout


Meet the ELEVATE Circuit


The Jump allows the athlete to develop lower body muscle mass earlier on in rehab with two primary movements, the squat and the squat jump.  Ideal for bilateral and unilateral plyometrics, athletes will jump again more quickly, or jump higher than they ever have before.  Perfect for rehabilitation of the lower extremity muscles, as well as strength building, the Jump incorporates four bands for up to an additional 70lbs of resistance. Because bodyweight is a constant that must be accounted for, the Jump, as with all other units in the circuit, allows the athlete to work at a percentage of their own weight.  For the Jump it’s between 30 to 65 percent.

ELEVATE Core Adjustable

The Core provides total core strengthening. It recruits abdominals, back, hips, shoulders and abdomen to work in unison for better balance and stability. Facilitating a dynamic plank or SCRUNCH, the exercise position minimizes trunk flexion for added spinal safety.  Progress or regress at the pull of a lever according to the level required by your athlete.


The Pull-Up engages all the muscles of the upper body to efficiently and effectively enhance muscle definition and improve overall strength. It is the only assisted pull-up machine that allows for plyometric movements.  The seven levels of incline allow users to progress or regress as needed. At its lowest level, practically anyone can achieve a pull-up. At its highest level, advanced performance athletes experience a challenge sure to surprise.


The Press is the only closed chain shoulder press machine designed to let anyone, even first-time workout athletes do a hand stand push-up for the first time. The unique closed chain design reduces shoulder impingement that users typically feel using traditional shoulder press equipment and stabilizes the shoulder girdle for safe and effective upper body strengthening.

ELEVATE Row Adjustable

The Row, the newest addition to the circuit, emulates a rowing movement and is ergonomically designed to perform the correct rowing exercise on an incline.  With the option to add an additional 15lbs of variable resistance, it provides both concentric and eccentric load through the acceleration and deceleration of the exercise and is non-compressive on the joints, especially the lower spine.  With seven levels of resistance, athletes will get a great cardio workout on this simple, yet fun machine.


With more than 90 exercises distributed through the all the units and boasting a full body workout in 30-minutes, the ELEVATE Circuit only takes up approximately 200 sq. ft. of floor space.  For strength training and conditioning and returning athletes to play, the ELEVATE Circuit is the choice to be reckoned with.   

For more information visit the Total Gym booth #5104 at NATA, visit learn.totalgym.com/winatNATA or contact 858 764 0055.

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