Oct 31, 2023
Denver teen makes medical kits for recreational soccer league

A Denver high school soccer player recently made headlines after creating medical kits for her recreational soccer league.

Fourteen-year-old Kaia-Marie Price first got the idea after a teammate suffered a compound tibia-fibula fracture and there were no medical kits available. The team received help from a parent on the opposing team who is a certified sports medicine professional.

medicalA recent story from NewsWatch 12 detailed how Price put together the medical kits. Below is an excerpt from the NewsWatch 12 story.

“The refs didn’t really have training except for CPR,” Price told NewsWatch 12. “That was really the reason why I did this. I don’t want that to happen to any other team.”

Price got straight to work on her project, raising funds at games and gathering medical supplies. She then got her prototype certified by an athletic trainer on the council for Price’s Boy Scouts of America league, one of the first all-female BSA troops in the Rogue Valley. Price is submitting her project for Eagle Scout certification this year.

“As a friend, I wanted to help [Bella],” Price said. “And as a Boy Scout, we’re always trying to give back to the community.”

Price has now created over 60 “Bella’s Bags,” named after her friend and teammate who sparked the idea. The bags include products like finger splints, hand sanitizer, a CPR mask, bandages and trauma shears.

Villarreal has recovered from her injury but said she will always be grateful for Price’s help.

“[Kaia] didn’t have to do any of this,” Villarreal told NewsWatch 12. “It’s really nice of her to help not only me, but other people if they get injured.”

To read the full story from NewsWatch 12, click here. 

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