Apr 6, 2021
Brewers Athletic Trainer Hospitalized After Attending to Umpire

A Major League athletic trainer required assistance shortly after providing care to an umpire who was struck in the neck with an errant foul ball during the ninth inning of the Milwaukee Brewers’ home game.

The Brewers’ assistant athletic trainer, Dave Yeager, rushed out to check on home plate umpire C.B. Bucknor after a foul tip caromed off the thigh of Minnesota Twins’ catcher Ryan Jeffers and struck the neck of Bucknor, according to a report from MLB.com.

brewersWith several medical officials surrounding Bucknor, who was down on one knee, Yeager fainted. Twins players were told to leave the field at that time before Yeager to his feet and was able to walk off, MLB.com reported.  During the postgame press conference, Brewers manager Craig Counsell said he and the medical staff believed Yeager stood up too abruptly and lost his equilibrium, according to MLB.com.

But as Counsell was sharing that information to the media, Yeager fainted once again and spent the night at a nearby hospital.

“Unfortunately, actually as I was just talking to you, leaving you guys last night, Dave was lightheaded again,” Counsell told the media Sunday morning. “And so he was evaluated by doctors and our medical staff, and eventually he spent the night in the hospital. Essentially he was just extremely dehydrated, and he still remains in the hospital. He’s doing better. He’s doing fine and he’s under good care. I hope that he’s released today, and we’ll go from there.”

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The hospital stay, it seems, was more precautionary in nature, the report stated.

Yeager is in his 17th season with the Brewers and 10th in his current role, according to MLB.com. He started with the Brewers at Double-A Huntsville in 2005 and was named Southern League athletic trainer of the year in 2007.

To read the full story from MLB.com, click here


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