2022 October/November (Vol. XXXII, No. 5)

2022 Strength Coaches Survey Results

Strength and conditioning coaches have two primary goals. The first is to improve athletic performance, which usually means improving athletes’ speed, strength, and power through systematic training programs for both teams and individual athletes, often working in close association with coaches. The second primary goal is to reduce athletic injuries. To that end, strength coaches […]

Gaining Buy-In & Support for your Strength & Conditioning Program

Being a high school strength & conditioning coach is one of the most rewarding careers a person can have. We have the opportunity to not only make young people healthier, stronger, and faster but also can instill lifelong values of hard work, overcoming adversity, teamwork, perseverance, and the ability to become the best at getting […]

Insights for Powerlifting with a 2X IPF World Champion

To fit in with the current Issue theme of ‘Strength & Conditioning’, two-time IPF World Champion Andy Askow recently sat down to share some wisdom about his passion for both powerlifting and performance nutrition.  Andy holds raw powerlifting personal bests of over 800 lbs in the back squat, 700 lbs in the deadlift, and 500 […]

Managing a High Ankle Sprain

Historically, research has told us that high ankle sprains (HAS) make up one to 18% of all ankle sprains. However, more recent literature suggests that in athletics, almost half of all ankle sprains show symptoms above the classic ankle joint. If you’ve been an athletic trainer for any length of time, you’ve seen your share […]

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