2021 August/September (Volume XXXI, No. 4)

Achieving Level II in Athletics

Even though most athletes would tell the coach that they want to perform at their ultimate level of play, the reality is many settle for what would be called a Level I performance. Both the coach and player are unaware that they are not reaching their full potential. Level I performance can be described as […]

ATCs Acting Fast: “He Saved My Life”

When Morgan Krout was starting her new job as an assistant athletic trainer, one of her advisors at Catawba College pulled her aside for a query: “What are you going to do when you have to hook an athlete up to an AED and safe a life?” She looked back at him. “I hope I […]

Information on Inflammation

Recovery is an important aspect when it comes to athletic development. The ability to efficiently recover directly impacts an athlete’s ability to perform, adapt, and grow. The term inflammation is frequently thrown around in the sports world in regards to recovery, often in a negative light and with little context. Anti-inflammatory diets and supplements are […]

The Physical Exam of the Concussed Athlete

Sports are second only to motor vehicle crashes as the leading cause of traumatic brain injury among people aged 15 to 24. Concussions in high school athletics represent 8.9% of all injuries occurring from sports. It has been reported that football and soccer have the highest rates of concussion in high school athletics. The athletic […]

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