Sport Specific

3 Ways to Build Athleticism in Basketball Players

Basketball season is right around the corner, and, if you haven't already, now is the perfect time to begin building your foundation of athleticism. A recent story from highlighted three ways basketball players can... more »

Study: Right-Handed Pitchers More Flexible than Lefties

For almost as long as the game has been played, left-handed pitchers have been a rare commodity in baseball. But now, a recent study suggests that right-handed pitchers have more external rotation, humeral retroversion, and... more »

Protecting the Young Elbow, Part II

Elbow injuries in young baseball pitchers continue to rise and reduce participation. Second to the shoulder, the elbow is a vulnerable area and prone to injury in the young throwing arm. Unfortunately, many young pitchers... more »

Study Links Higher Asthma Risk in Skiers with Intensive Training

An intensive training schedule is linked to a heightened risk of non-allergic asthma in competitive cross-country skiers, finds research published in the open-access journal BMJ Open Sports & Exercise Medicine. The prevalence of non-allergic asthma was... more »

Alabama MBB Hires Henry Barrera as the Men’s Basketball Strength Coach

Alabama men's basketball head coach Nate Oats announced Tuesday the hiring of Henry Barrera as the men's basketball strength and conditioning coach. Barrera comes to Tuscaloosa after spending seven years with Liberty University, serving as the... more »

NFL, HBCUs Partner to Increase Diversity in Sports Medicine

The NFL, together with the NFL Physicians Society (NFLPS) and the Professional Football Athletic Trainer Society (PFATS), today announced the launch of the NFL Diversity in Sports Medicine Pipeline Initiative, which will provide medical students... more »

Building Speed in the Trenches

Life happens pretty fast when playing in the trenches. Massive bodies colliding through an explosive burst, jockeying for positioning for 50 to 100 snaps a game. In football, success and failure are delineated by a... more »

Researchers Link NBA ACL Injuries to Driving Towards Hoop

For ages basketball coaches from youth leagues to the NBA preached that their players attack the rim and go for the highest percentage shot. Heck, the game even rewards this style of play — granting... more »

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