Optimum Performance

How Kathy Wagner gets a 100% pass rate for candidates on the SCCC Exam

We would like to introduce our first Mentor Program Spotlight, Kathy Wagner. Coach Wagner shows an exceptional success rate in her mentor program: 100% of candidates that have mentored under her have passed the SCCC... more »

When To Effectively Utilize Dynamic Stretches

In preparation for a workout, whether it may be a weightlifting session or cardio-based, nothing serves the tactical athlete any better than a well-devised session of dynamic stretches.  Dynamic stretches, as the name implies, indicate... more »

Physical Activity Found to Favor Healthy Sleep Schedule

An adequate amount of good-quality sleep is essential for the physical and emotional well-being of humans. For instance, good-quality sleep helps improve the outcomes of various diseases, including cardiovascular and metabolic disorders, mental diseases, and... more »

Study Links Decreased Chance of Depression in Youth Athletes

One way to avoid depression in teenage adolescents is to spend time competing in athletics or exercising. According to a recent study involving more than 2,400 kids and analyzing 21 previously published studies, supervised exercise... more »

5 Benefits of Sports Nutrition for Young Athletes

As a young athlete, you want to perform your best. That’s why it’s vital to understand the benefits of sports nutrition and how it can help you achieve your goals. A recent article from Pulse... more »

Study Suggests Protein Aids Recovery, But Not Performance

A new study, published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Medicine, has shown that carbohydrate and protein supplementation strategies may help athletes deal better with the muscle damage that comes from endurance... more »

Insights for Powerlifting with a 2X IPF World Champion

To fit in with the current Issue theme of ‘Strength & Conditioning’, two-time IPF World Champion Andy Askow recently sat down to share some wisdom about his passion for both powerlifting and performance nutrition.  Andy... more »

Blood Flow Restriction Training For Injured Athletes

Blood flow restriction training, also known as BFR or occlusion training, helps athletes recover from injury or surgery. It uses special equipment to safely prevent low-oxygen blood from leaving the targeted muscle. At the same... more »

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