Oct 3, 2017
Starting a Curriculum

As a 3A school, Brock (Texas) High School is on the small side. However, that has not stopped Athletic Trainer Samantha Burton from starting a sports medicine curriculum. 

According to the Star-Telegram, Burton began the program, which is in its second year, after a poll found that a majority of students would be interested in learning sports medicine. There are two levels to the course. The first teaches basic athletic training and sports medicine, while the second gives more advanced and hands-on instruction.

Burton described the sports medicine classes as “easy and fun” as long as students pay attention. She said that student-athletes who want to learn more about injuries comprise most of her class.

“As of right now, the class is open to any student, so if I have a student that I think would help out in our athletic training program, I’ll be sure to talk to them and see if it’s something they’re interested in doing,” she said. “Eventually, I’d like it to be the majority of my athletic training students in the class, with a few from the general population.”

Head Football Coach Billy Mathis said the class helps make students feel more involved, even if they don’t play.

“The class gives the students another way to be part of a team,” he said. “They become as much a part of the team as the players.”

Burton said her students often help out at games, thus gaining an understanding of what the job involves.

“Most of all, I hope it makes each of them understand what we, as athletic trainers do on a daily basis. It’s not just all ice and Advil,” she said. “There’s bonding with your athletes, listening to them, whether it be about an injury or something going on in their life, getting the athlete involved in their recovery and ultimately getting to see them return to play with a confidence.”

Burton said her classes would not only be beneficial for those who want to continue their sports medicine studies in college, but also for everyone in their daily lives.

“If they go into athletic training, obviously this class will give them a jump on others because they’ll go to college with the knowledge and practice to help them,” Burton said. “If they don’t, it will give them knowledge about everyday injuries, such as sprains and strains/emergency situations.”

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