Jan 7, 2021
Registration Open for ISVA 2021 Virtual Conference

Registration is now open for Joining Forces to Enhance Athletic Performance (www.isva2021.com), the 5th Annual International Sports Vision Association (ISVA) conference.  The 2021 conference will be live online on Saturday, February 20 – Sunday, February 21, 2021. All presentations will be available on-demand through April 10, 2021. 

The ISVA annual conference is a leading event for eyecare professionals, athletic trainers, coaches, and others interested in helping athletes reach their maximum potential. This year’s program will offer up to 14 COPE-approved CE credits and include a diverse offering of educational sessions.  “Our agenda includes presentations geared toward practitioners interested in bringing sports vision into their practice as well as sessions for those looking to further enhance their established practice,” says ISVA president Alex Andrich, OD, FCOVD.

isvaThe conference seeks to encourage increased collaboration among those professionals who work with athletes, according to Dr. Andrich. “Eye care professionals with expertise in sports vision assessment and training, along with other professionals such as sports psychologists, athletic trainers, and coaches can work together to train athletes of all ages and skill levels to help improve visual function, leading to improved performance,” he notes.

Scheduled sessions include presentations on insights into new digital technology, a report on how vision data is helping major league baseball teams select players during the draft, and how organized competitive video gaming, one of the fastest-growing sports in the world, presents an opportunity for sports vision practitioners to grow their practice.

Additionally, a three-part course on concussion diagnosis management and treatment will help attendees stay up to date with the latest research and technology in concussion diagnosis management and treatment.  Conducted by Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association (NORA) president DeAnn Fitzgerald, OD, and NORA and ISVA Vice  President Charles Shidlofsky, OD, FCOVD, this course will include video demonstrations with equipment as well as information on nutrition and genetic analysis options to help patients recover better.

Other scheduled speakers include leading authorities in sports vision assessment and training including Graham Erickson, OD, FAAO, FCOVD, David Kirschen, OD, Ph.D., and Joseph Clark, Ph.D.  Other presenters include Gary Gerber, OD, Rob Gray, Associate Professor of Human Systems Engineering at Arizona State University, Vision & Cognition specialist  Ash Parker, MSC, Clinical Sports Psychologist Chelsi Day, PsyD, and ISVA Advisory Board members Fred Edmunds, OD, FAAO, and Jennifer Stewart, OD,  and Todd Daniels, MS, ATC, LMT, CSCS.  


Current and new ISVA Professional and Associate members receive discounted pricing and members are eligible for early-bird discounts through December 31, 2020. Any student in a professional degree program or resident in a post-graduate program will enjoy complimentary registration.  To join ISVA, visit www.sportsvision.pro. To register for the conference and see a listing of all presentations and presenters visit  www.ISVA2021.com


The International Sports Vision Association (ISVA) is an interdisciplinary group of professionals dedicated to advancing the field of vision training for athletes of all ages and levels to help them achieve peak athletic performance. Vision, just like speed and strength, is a critical component in how well you play any sport. A growing body of evidence confirms that visual abilities can be strengthened and enhanced by means of appropriate visual training. For further information, visit www.sportsvision.pro.

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