Oct 14, 2015
NY Giants’ Player Making Strides In MRSA Battle

Doctors worried earlier this week that New York Giants’ Daniel Fells would lose his foot from an ankle injury and subsequent MRSA infection. The right combination of antibiotics, however, seems to have Fells on the path to recovery.

As reported by espn.go.com, Fells contracted the infection two weeks ago after an injury during practice and has undergone five surgeries since to try to stop the spread, with more scheduled. Doctors have tried to scrape the infection out of the bone and were worried that amputation might be necessary to save Fells’ life. But in the last two days, Fells has responded well to IV antibiotics as well as antibiotic beads “packed into his foot,” which has given Fells and his family new hope that his foot might be saved.

The surgeries have caused bone loss, and doctors don’t expect Fells to play again. The Giants dedicated their Sunday night victory to him and presented him with the game ball.

For more about the dangers of MRSA and how to prevent it see Chuck Kimmel’s recent article in T&C.



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