Jan 16, 2024
New study to further explore connection between the brain and body

A new Western-led study will further explore the relationship between physical and cognitive health. Adrian Owen, a world-renowned neuroscientist, will be driving the study through a pioneering series of online brain games.

brainA recent story from MedicalXpress.com detailed the study and Owen’s attempt to find more links between the body and the brain.

Below is an excerpt from the MedicalXpress.com story.

“What we hope to do is to establish definitively whether exercise is beneficial for cognition function, and if so, which cognitive functions benefit most,” said Owen, professor of cognitive neuroscience and imaging at Western’s Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry and the department of psychology in the Faculty of Social Science. “We will also look at how this may vary across the lifespan. If exercise is good for your brain, does it confer the same benefits in the old and the young?”

Each completed online survey also provides participants with instant results about how their own brain and body functions while Owen and his fellow neuroscientists can identify activities and lifestyle habits that could improve or maintain life-long functioning of the brain.

“We are also going to examine whether playing highly immersive video games can improve your cognitive function. So far, the scientific community is divided on the issue and we want to conduct the definitive study that really gets to the truth.”

For the study, Owen has partnered with the award-winning Science and Industry Museum (Manchester, U.K.), the findings are set to be shared at this year’s Manchester Science Festival, which returns Oct. 18–27, 2024.

“Manchester Science Festival is one of the most popular events of its kind in the U.K. and we are really excited by the thought of using this mass experiment to help shape the program this year and find out new things about how our brains affect our bodies and vice versa,” said Owen.

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People living longer, an aging population and a recent study suggesting the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted brain power in people aged 50 and over, all make long-term cognitive and physical health increasingly important. Completing the survey will help neuroscientists build a better understanding of how lifestyle factors relate to the health of our brains across our lifetimes and could in future years support individuals to choose activities that promote healthy cognitive aging.

To read the full story from MedicalXpress.com, click here. 

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