Jun 2, 2015Mind Over Matter
The mind has been recognized as an important factor in both performance and recovery among athletes. To learn more about how the mind may influence recovery, you will want to attend “Mindset of Healing: Psychological Considerations During Rehabilitation” on Friday, June 26. This presentation will be given by Sheri Walters, DPT, MS, SCS, ATC, LAT, Director of Performance Physical Therapy at EXOS (formerly Athletes’ Performance) in Frisco, Texas.
In the following Q&A, Walters offers an overview of the presentation.
T&C: What will be covered in the presentation, and what are some of its highlights?
Walters: The psychological aspects of disability in the orthopedic and sport setting are well recognized. For example, pain-related fear of movement was the strongest single contributor of disability in a group of patients with foot and ankle pathology (Lentz et al 2010). Studies show that athletic trainers believe that psychological strategies are necessary to increase the effectiveness of rehabilitation, and there is evidence of efficacy with these strategies when they are utilized. However, many athletic trainers feel inadequately trained to address the psychological aspects of injury or implement psychological strategies into their practice. The purpose of this session is to illustrate techniques that athletic trainers can easily implement into their current rehabilitation programs.
T&C: Who will benefit from attending, and what will attendees take away from it?
Anyone who is involved in the rehabilitation and return to play/activity of clients (i.e., athletes, clinic patients, industrial workers) would benefit from attending the session. My goal is to give participants strategies that they can take home with them and immediately use upon return to their clinical sites.
T&C: Is there anything they should know before arriving?
There is nothing that participants need to know prior to arriving, but having a willingness to learn and an open mind would be beneficial.
T&C: What is the presentation’s biggest selling point?
Practical strategies for addressing the psychological aspects of rehabilitation and return to play will be illustrated. The research supporting the techniques will be provided, but the presentation should be fun.
T&C: What’s something that may surprise attendees about your presentation?
There may be more photos in the presentation than words, including a photo of me swimming with dolphins. But I somehow manage to relate even that photo to the research concerning the mindset of healing and use that photo to illustrate a strategy that is important in rehabilitation.