Jan 15, 2021
Improving Your Recovery Phase

The whole purpose of recovery in exercise is to allow your muscles to repair themselves and to engage muscles that are sore from your workout.

There are also different things that you can do during the recovery stage to help move the process along and come out ready to perform better than your pre-rest stage.

Photo: Nenad Stojkovic / Creative Commons

This fine balance will help you see the improvements and results you have been working for. A recent article from FitRepublic.com highlighted some of those other things you can do to boost your recovery between workouts.

Here are the six tips to improving your recovery, as noted by FitRepublic.com.

Get Plenty Of Sleep

Simple yet effective. Getting sleep is one of the most important tips to follow when you are working out. It is recommended that you give your body 7-8 of sleep every night to ensure that your body gets the rest that it needs to function properly.


Hydration is important before, after, and during your workouts. Water is essential for the body to be efficient. A lack of water can lead to dehydration during workouts. When you work out, you lose the fluids that are in your body. Drinking water can replenish the fluids that you have lost while working out and keep you feeling alert and focused.


Protein is the building block of muscle tissue as well as bones. Protein helps build and repair tissue that is lost or damaged while working out. It is important to consume protein before and after your workout to repair those damaged tissues.

Though you can get this protein by buying power bars or protein powder, you can still get your protein naturally through your diet. Foods that contain a high amount of protein include but are not limited to eggs, almonds, chicken breast, milk, broccoli, and much more.

Active Recovery

Active recovery could be described as an easier or simpler workout than your normal routine. For those days you take off, trade them in for active recovery days. Something like a 30-minute walk is considered active recovery. During active recovery, you are still keeping your muscles loose as well as keeping the blood flowing.


It is important to stretch before and after workouts to help keep your muscles loose and improve blood flow and circulation. Stretching can also reduce your chances of injury which is important when you are working out on a regular basis. When stretching, make sure to hold it for 30 seconds. It is critical not to bounce when stretching because this can lead to injury. You should never feel pain when stretching but if you do that could be a sign of a torn or damaged tissue.

To read the full story from FitRepublic.com on recovery, click here.

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