Aug 15, 2017
Full Service Solutions

Unique Advantages

School Health Sports Medicine delivers an unparalleled customer experience that allows athletic trainers to support the health of their athletes and enable them to perform to the best of their abilities. We provide:

• The best product selection for new and innovative solutions

• Personalized service that allows you to do your job more easily

• Insightful content to help you enhance your expertise

• Cost effective solutions that help you manage ongoing costs

About the Company

School Health Sports Medicine is a national, full-service provider of health supplies and services. The company serves athletes, athletic trainers, and health professionals in educational settings from pre-school to college. School Health Sports Medicine goes beyond merely supplying products by also providing product support, training, advisory services, and exceptional customer care.


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75 Applewood Drive, Suite A
P.O. Box 128
Sparta, MI 49345
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