2021 June/July (Volume XXXI, No. 3)

2021 Most Valuable HS Athletic Trainer of the Year Honorable Mentions

At Training & Conditioning, we are proud to share that our ninth annual Most Valuable Athletic Trainer of the Year award received the most nominations and honorable mentions in the history of the award. We received more than 200 nominations for worthy high school athletic trainers ranging from Alaska and Hawaii to Maine and Florida […]

A Q&A with Dr. W. Christopher Winter, The ‘Sleep Whisperer’

Dr. W. Chris Winter, MD, has been dubbed “The Sleep Whisperer.”  His work as a board-certified neurologist and double board-certified sleep specialist based out of Charlottesville (VA) Neurology and Sleep Medicine has garnered the attention of professional and collegiate athletic programs looking to get an edge in any corner they can find.  Whether it’s been […]

Ashley Labrador: 2021’s Most Valuable HS Athletic Trainer of the Year

Four years into her athletic training career, Ashley Labrador and her skills were put to the ultimate test. She had taped ankles, dealt with helmet-to-helmet collisions, and administered preventative and rehabilitative care to student-athletes, but she never had to perform CPR in a potentially life-or-death situation.  During a weekend junior varsity game featuring her Brien […]

Assessing Proper Hydration in Athletes

Dehydration is a condition in which the body loses more fluids than what is taken in. This is of particular concern during exercise as dehydration impairs physiologic and cognitive function, increases the risk of heat illness, and decreases exercise performance. Exercise results in heat production that the body balances through conduction, convection, evaporation, and radiation. […]

Equipment To Protect Your Top Commodity

Ask around your local football fields what a head coach wants out of their players and the answer will typically resemble the same idea: to get the most out of them. In order to do that, players have to remain upright and healthy. As New England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick has famously stated time […]

Load Management: How ATCs Juggle Large Student Bodies

Imagine walking into your office on a Tuesday, in the middle of a nice spring day, and seeing a long line of teenagers waiting for you. All of them are in pain, some greater than others, and all require your attention. A student or more may show up later, and you have to be elsewhere […]

Saliva Tests for Concussions: The Next Factor in Diagnosis?

For all the advancements made with the management of athletes’ injuries, concussions still remain a complicated matter for everyone involved. Identifying the long-term side effects has impacted the way everyone approaches them, but there’s still a lot of room for growth. Even when it comes to concussion protocols at a university or the high school […]

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