Are Concussions Worse for Women Athletes?
As the popularity of women's professional athletics continues to grow, so too does the spotlight on the athlete's health and wellness — particularly in terms of concussions and sub-concussive hits. A growing body of data... more »
USA Football’s Medical Advisory Panel Advance Smarter, Safer Play
USA Football announced this week its Medical Advisory Panel, comprised of experts to assist the sport’s national governing body in delivering leading athlete health and safety standards to America’s grassroots football family. A member of... more »
Saliva Tests for Concussions: The Next Factor in Diagnosis?
For all the advancements made with the management of athletes’ injuries, concussions still remain a complicated matter for everyone involved. Identifying the long-term side effects has impacted the way everyone approaches them, but there’s still... more »
Concussion Biomarkers Highlight NCAA-DoD Grand Alliance Conference
The emergence of concussion biomarkers was among the critical research shared at the fourth annual Grand Alliance Concussion Conference. The NCAA Sport Science Institute and... more »
Study Shows Significant Benefit of PolarCap in Recovery from Concussions
PolarCool AB (publ), a Swedish medical device company focusing on the treatment of sports-related traumatic brain injury (TBI) and whiplash, announced that it has submitted a 510(k) pre-market notification to the U.S. Food and Drug... more »
Study: Ball Adjustment Could Reduce Head Injury Risk in Soccer Players
Up to 22% of soccer injuries are concussions that can result from players using their heads to direct the ball during a game. To reduce the risk of injury, a new study recommends preventing how... more »
Saliva Concussion Tests Pave Way for Potential Non-Invasive Sideline Test
Distinct chemical 'signatures' for concussion have been identified in the spit of elite male rugby players, reveals research published online in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. This potentially paves the way for a non-invasive and... more »
The High School Sports with Highest Risk for Head Injuries
Researchers outfitted high school athletes with head impact sensors to see which of four popular sports put them at the greatest risk of concussion. No. 1 for both boys and girls: Soccer, according to a... more »