May 18, 2019Introducing power training to young athletes
It’s important to remember that the definition of strength is force X distance, while power, is defined as force X distance divided by time. The difference is the time element. In other words, how fast force can be applied. The term speed strength is often used to describe power.
Developing power through strength
Adhering to the Athleticism Pyramid, introduced in earlier blogs, I agree that strength, the foundation of the pyramid, is the one component of training that most affects the other areas. Because of this reality, young athletes and beginners should first focus on simply and safely developing strength.
When an untrained individual becomes stronger, regarding relative strength, his power output as expressed with the vertical or long jump will increase, his speed expressed through short distance sprints and agility drill times will improve. Positive things happen when the athlete can apply more force into the ground!
Introducing higher velocity exercises to beginners
The positive relationship between strength and power isn’t linear. As the athlete becomes a more accomplished strength trainer, he should also include training that has higher movement velocity in order to to continue to improve the ability to exert power. When the tests used to evaluate power no longer show improvement from strength training alone, it’s time to introduce specific power training.
Previously, I talked about introducing lower level jumps and gradually progressing to entry level plyometric exercises (rebounding quickly between jumps.)
These movements seemed to be a more common component of childhood outdoor play activities in the past. Hops, skips, and jump variations are present in tag games and less structured ball games such as dodge ball and backyard football. Surely, introducing these movement skills in a more structured, supervised environment isn’t contradicted.
Teaching Olympic lifts to beginners
Before introducing Olympic lifting exercise variations, it’s possible to begin effective power training through the use of exercises most commonly associated with pure strength development like the press and squat variations. These closed chain, free weight exercises when performed with less weight and with greater concentric speed, will result in increased power output in similar movement patterns. You must emphasize safely moving the bar faster. As a coach, we should always want the athlete to move the bar faster regardless of resistance level.
The following methodology is my suggestion for effective power development implementation. First, lighten the training load to 50-60% of the athlete’s one rep maximum of the exercise. Second, reduce the number of training repetitions per set to a submaximal number, less than commonly prescribed. Lastly, make the athlete pause and stop the movement at the bottom of the squat or press variation and then aggressively accelerate the bar up as fast as safely possible following the pause.
This method of submaximal, higher velocity training is best implemented on the second and third day of training similar movements during the training week.
Here are several methods of implementation in commonly used formats:
Note: 1RM = 1 Rep Maximum
4-Day Training Split – Undulating Periodization Model
Monday (Using Percentages of 1-Rep Maximum)
Heavy Back or Front Squat
- Warm up: 6-8 reps
- 64%: 5 reps
- 70%: 5 reps
- 76%: 5 reps
- 82%: 5 reps
Interval Back or Front Squat
- Warm up: 6-8 reps
- 6 sets -3 reps 50-60% of 1RM – (Stop and Stab)
One minute rest between sets
4 –Day Training Split – Undulating Periodization Model
Tuesday (Using Percentages of 1RM)
Heavy Bench Press
- Warm up- 6-8 reps
- 64%: 5 reps
- 70%: 5 reps
- 76%: 5 reps
- 82%: 5 reps
Interval Close Grip Bench or Incline
- Warm up: 6-8 reps
- 5-6 sets – 3 reps 50-60% of 1RM – (Stop and Stab)
One minute rest between sets
3 Day a Week Tier System Concept – Lower Body
Mon. (Using percentages of 1RM)
Undulating Periodization Model
Heavy Back or Front Squat
- Warm up: 6-8 reps
- 64%: 5 reps
- 70%: 5 reps
- 76%: 5 reps
- 82%: 5 reps
Barbell or D’Bell
Box Step Ups or Lunge Variations
- 3 – 4 sets of 5-6 reps each leg
Interval Back / F. Squat
- Warm Up: 6-8 reps
- 5-6 sets of 3 reps – 50-60% of 1RM – (Stop and Stab)
One minute rest between sets
Three Day a Week Tier System Concept – Upper Body
(Undulating Periodization Model)
Using Percentages of 1RM
Interval Close Grip or Incline Bench
- Warm up 6-8 reps
- 5-6 sets of 3 reps – 50-60% of 1RM – (Stop and Stab)
One minute rest between sets
D’ Bell Alternate Bench or D’ Bell Incline Bench
- 3-4 sets of 5-6 reps
Heavy Bench Press
- Warm Up: 5-8 reps
- 64%: 5 reps
- 70%: 5 reps
- 76%: 5 reps
- 82%: 5 reps
Measuring Bar Speed
If you are fortunate to have measurement devices at your facility for measuring bar speed, like the Tendo Units offered by Sorinex, or the myriad of GPS devices adapted for this purpose, watch out! Your program’s power training just became competitive among your athletes. You may find your role shifting from encourager to referee! Good luck!
Click here to read other articles from Mike Gentry on his website.