Oct 15, 2019
Better Than Ice: The best way to reduce inflammation from injury or surgery

{Sponsored} Research says that good circulation is essential to healing, and other research says cooling therapy is important for the healing process. Cooling relieves pain and inflammation.

Common injuries for athletes include all extremities: knees, ankles, feet, hands, wrists, elbows and shoulders. Shin splints are particularly difficult to ice because the area requires 360 degrees of cooling to really be effective. For this type of injury, and for any others that need cooling, compression cooling wraps are a great option.

Physicool wraps are unique; it utilizes a special alcohol solution instead of water (the more common main ingredient in cooling wraps) to pull the heat out of the injury, facilitating healing. The Physicool Cooling Compression Bandage Wrap applies quickly and is reusable; it uses a fabric fastener strap to stay in place and starts to work immediately without impeding any activities the wearer needs to be able to do. Mobility is a key benefit to everyone.Athlete applies Physicool Wrap

“Our special solution evaporates faster than water, so the Physicool wrap can cool faster than water-soaked wraps,” said Ryan Hadley, sales and marketing for Physicool USA.

In fact, in clinical trials, Physicool wraps were proven to be more effective than ice at reducing swelling, pain and time needed for healing and recovery. Cold therapy penetrates into tissues to slow circulation, decrease pain and relax muscle spasms.

“When you put on the Physicool wrap, you have 360 degrees of cooling. You can set it and forget it and remove it two hours later,” Hadley said. Cooling wraps are poised to replace the use of ice in immediate treatment of injuries — especially since wearers can walk or drive or bike while they’re applied, completely changing the game from using ice for quick treatment.

Hadley said using wraps instead of ice is ideal during away games. Many times, after away games athletes have to stay at the venue until every team member is ready to leave, that means they may get on the road much later than anticipated while waiting for people to ice. Or, they may not have access to ice at the venue.

Instead, those injuries can be wrapped with a Physicool wrap to pull the heat away from the injuries, saving everyone time and helping facilitate the healing process on the ride home.

American athletes traveling to many places like China, where ice often isn’t readily available, can take a cooling wrap instead and stave off major injury while on the road. Figure skaters and baseball players especially rely upon this technology, which Physicool provides to them.

Using these wraps is simple. Physicool Combo WrapInside the resealable bag is a wrap soaked in the Physicool solution. The wrap is cotton, free of silicon or rubber, thin and lightweight so that the solution can evaporate easily. Remove the wrap from the bag and wrap it on the injured area. To reuse, place it back in the bag and add more of the alcohol blended solution.

Hadley estimates that on a sprained ankle, the Physicool wrap will reduce the injured tissue’s temperature by 30 to 40 degrees. When used on a knee post-surgery, it can reduce the temperature by more than that. Using these wraps is imperative to jump start the healing process.

Physicool wraps come in several sizes to treat nearly any injury. The patented cooling solution is also sold in several volumes, or a combination pack with a compression bandage and solution. There are also single-use bandages available.

To learn more about Physicool or to order the wraps, visit www.physicoolusa.com.

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