Apr 10, 2016
Yale Football Focuses on Nutrition

During the offseason, members of the Yale University football team are boosting their nutritional intake, thanks to a new sports performance program. As reported in an article from the Yale Daily News, the program offers advice to the players on eating more lean meat, less sugar, and less greasy, fatty food. In addition, the Bulldogs have individual daily macronutrient levels assigned.

There is also a social media angle. Athletes are asked to take pictures of their food and post them in a Facebook group for feedback from teammates and coaches.

The program was developed with the help of an external consultant, as well as campus dining services. Team members were also asked about their preferences when it comes to food, as well as any restrictions they have.

“Developing an athlete in 2016 is very different than it was even five years ago,” Yale Head Football Coach Tony Reno told Yale Daily News. “The information and the ability for us to improve is directly related to not just weights and running, it’s nutrition and rehab work and injury prevention, all those things that, when you take a look at us last season, those are things that really affected our team.”

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