May 23, 2016
Taking Care of Yourself

When it comes to strength and conditioning at the collegiate level, coaches are expected to model what they teach. That can be tough as a coach gets older, and burnout is common.

In an article on, Dr. Bryan Mann, Assistant Director of Strength and Conditioning at the University of Missouri, discusses the importance of recharging for strength and conditioning coaches to avoid burnout. One of his first suggestions is to be mindful of what you’re eating to make sure you’re refueling your body well.

Recharging in the form of hobbies outside of work is also important. 

“I know that there have been many times over the course of my career that I feel like I need to push through this to write a program or to fix a problem. […] I didn’t have time to take a nap, or relax, or do hobbies. How could I possibly be soft like this? I had limited enough time as it was; I couldn’t waste my time on something else. When I got like this, over time I realized what I was really doing. I was chasing papers being blown around by the wind, when what I really needed to do was to go over and close the window. By stepping away, I could allow my mind to clear and gain fresh perspective. I could see the issues for what they really were. I could see crystal clear solutions where there was only fog before,” Mann writes.

Mann also provides suggestions on making one’s time at work focused and efficient.

“Maximize your time while you are at work. In between groups, read articles and books. Return emails when you can. Listen to podcasts or YouTube lectures during mundane activities like cardio or dog walking,” Mann suggests.

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