Apr 19, 2016
PB Extreme Half Racks

PB Extreme Half Racks have been popping up in weight rooms and sports performance facilities all over the country. These quality racks have lots of unique features that make them ideal for high school, collegiate and professional settings.  

Each rack comes complete with a 6-peg weight storage system that can accommodate both Olympic and Bumper plates. The inside pegs can store lifting chains, bands and even weight belts, making it easy to keep all of your equipment located in one designated space.  

Two bar holders are located in the back of the rack, which can store extra Olympic Bars or even specialty bars, such as Hex Bars or Swiss bars. Having the extra storage is always something that coaches are looking for, so having the option to keep different bars at each rack has been key.

Each rack has numbered hook plates which makes adjusting the bar holders and safety spot arms simple. Your athletes will no longer have to spend extra time trying to line up their bar holders or spotter arms when changing exercises. Taking both the hook plates and the safety spot arms off the rack to adjust them is simple as well since they each have safety locking pistol grips. These safety locking features allow someone to just squeeze and pull to release them, instead of having to line up anything to a particular hole or turn them at an awkward angle. 

Some additional features of each rack include a knurled P-grip pull-up bar and a 4-peg band attachment set. The pull-up bar has two inside parallel grips at different widths, as well as two wide bent grips, which allow your athletes to work different parts of their shoulders and back when performing pull-ups. The band attachments are spaced at 4 different locations so you can adjust the resistance of your bands easily when using resistance bands for bench press, squatting or additional resistance exercises.

While all of these features are included with each rack, one of the best things about them is that they are made of 9-guage, 3″ x 3″ steel uprights, making them bigger, better and stronger than most other half racks on the market.   The sturdiness and strength of each rack allows them to hold up in the most intense environments, while the look of the chrome on some of the attachments can give any strength and conditioning facility a professional and clean look.

The PB Extreme Half Racks are available in both black and silver frames and have some great accessories that can be added, such as a matching hydraulic piston assist adjustable bench and an 8′ connector to attach your Half Racks together.

All of the PB Extreme Half Racks and accessories are only available through Perform Better.

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