Apr 7, 2021
Micro-Z II Device Helps Athletes Treat Pain without Opioids

A new device designed to help athletes treat pain and heal without the need for prescription pills is making a big difference in the Pittsburgh community.

According to a recent story from KDKA-CBS2, Micro-Z II is a pocket-sized device that can be used in different settings and worn at night to treat pain and heal injuries.

“It sends electrical shockwaves through your body. You can feel it and it tingles your nerve to make your nerve not feel the pain. Then it pumps the muscle and circulates fresh blood,” Chaz Jannuzi, founder of Match One Medical and the American Foundation for Opioid Alternative, told KDKA-CBS2.

opioidsAccording to a recent study, researchers found young student-athletes in high-injury sports are roughly 50 percent more likely to use opioids to manage the pain. Understanding the grips of addiction that comes with the use of opioids, Jannuzi wanted another option for athletes to treat injuries.

To get this into the hands of those who need it most, Jannuzi donated 40 Micro-Z II devices to the Allegheny Health Network, which are now in the hands of AHN’s athletic trainers in 28 nearby high schools, KDKA-CBS2 reported.

“Our biggest fear is if he’s going to need pain medication. This last time, he did and it worried us,” Tracey Mundorf, who’s the mother to an Avonworth High School student-athlete, said to KDKA.

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Her son, Anthony, plays three sports and has been injured in all three. Now he’s using Micro-Z II and already has seen progress.

“He’s well on his way and I think we are much further along than we were a few weeks ago,” Ryan Johnson, AHN’s athletic trainer at Avonworth High School, said to KDKA.

To learn more about Micro-Z II devices, click here. And to read the full article from KDKA-CBS2, click here

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