Sep 23, 2015HS Strength Coach’s Loss is a Victory
As a high school senior in 2006, Vinson Smith weighed 500 pounds. Since then, Smith, who is the Strength and Conditioning Coach at Mallard High School in Charlotte, N.C., has lost 225 pounds.
In an interview with the Salisbury Post, Smith said there was no quick fix or magic solution that guided his weight loss. Instead, he followed a proper diet and performed a mix of cardio and strength training. Also a personal trainer, Smith has been able to apply his own experience to his work with others looking to lose weight.
According to the Post, Smith tells his clients:
“My own weight struggle is for you. The results are for me.”
One key to his own success, Smith said, was creating a food journal. In working with clients with weight-loss goals, Smith said the food journal is a mandatory first step.
“If they aren’t willing to record their food intake, then I can’t work with them,” he told the Post. “Of course, I can tell when they are not truthful. It’s time for them to put the foot on the gas and go hard. Most have never tried before to lose weight. I communicate with each client daily.”