Nov 14, 2019Controlling inflammation, reducing pain and increasing healing (sponsored)
Wound care is a vital and sometimes overlooked aspect of athletic trainers’ jobs, and medical professionals at every level of sport are turning to advanced wound care products to simplify the process.
One such product is PolyMem, which belongs to a unique class of dressings known as polymeric membrane dressings. PolyMem is an innovative, adaptable, drug-free wound care product that has been shown to enhance wound healing and reduce the swelling, bruising and pain that accompanies both open wounds and closed injuries. PolyMem helps localize the inflammatory reaction to the actual zone of injury, reducing the spread of inflammation, edema and swelling into surrounding tissues.
With more than 30 years of clinical success stories in more than 60 countries around the world, PolyMem sterile and non-sterile dressings are available in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, also in both standard and antimicrobial silver formulations. All PolyMem dressings effectively cleans, fill, absorb and moisten wounds throughout the healing continuum.
Non-sterile SportsWrap dressings are specifically indicated for closed injuries common among athletes, such as contusions, strains and sprains. SportsWrap dressings provide quicker, more effective management of the injury.
SportsWrap works in three specific steps to accelerate the return to play:
→ Acute management. In all athletic injuries, pain and inflammation run hand-in-hand. To interrupt the pain mechanism, SportsWrap helps to inhibit the action of nociceptors. From the onset of application, SportsWrap helps suppress the spread of inflammation, swelling and bruising, and thereby help to reduce pain. Case studies indicate that pain is often relieved within as little as 30 minutes.
→ Symmetrical strength. Range of motion (ROM) is directly related to levels of pain and inflammation. SportsWrap helps to localize the inflammatory reaction to the direct injury zone and helps avoid swelling into surrounding tissues. Once alleviated, ROM and strength exercises are possible.
→ Return to play. With an injury that’s effectively treated, an athlete returns to play much more rapidly. SportsWrap helps get athletes back in action.