Oct 5, 2017
Accurate, Immediate Performance Feedback

Obtaining objective data on athlete performance can be difficult without the right test equipment. With Swift Performance’s wireless timing gates and jump measurement systems, performance data is captured right on an iPad, allowing coaches to provide immediate feedback and technical detail to adjust the athlete’s next test performance.

“The Swift Performance systems allow sports organizations to accurately and efficiently record performance data such as speed, velocity, power, fatigue and differences between right and left movement patterns,” says Vice President of Sales & Marketing Charlie Wright. “This consistent collection allows monitoring of daily and seasonal physical performance in addition to monitoring player output while returning from injury.”

Both Swift systems provide straightforward user interfaces, as all test data capture functions are laid out in easy-to-read-and-manipulate designs. The timing gates capture basic drills like sprint tests, the NBA Lane Agility, and 3 Cone L Drill, but the key feature is the ability to customize drills to measure any sport specific movement pattern needed. Swift’s unique timing gate functions include wide, durable tripods, the ability to measurefour separate tests simultaneously, and dual beam near infra-red photoelectric sensors providing the highest level of accuracy inthe industry.

The EZEJUMP Vertical mat system provides immediate capture of data and timing re-set compared to mechanical jump measurement tools that must be re-positioned prior to each jump. Coaches can utilize basic jump tests measuring height, flight time, contact time vs. reactive strength index and power. Some advanced testing measurements are also available, including fatigue, independent left/right leg measurements and leg stiffness.

“With Swift Performance’s timing gates and jump measurement systems, athletes are provided both visual and auditory stimuli when executing linear, lateral, change-ofdirection and reactive movement drills, thus increasing their sensory and proprioceptive awareness,” says Wright. “Additionally, the immediate feedback increases competition amongst teammates and players in the same position groups to perform at their best.”


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