2019 May/June (Volume XXIX, No. 03)

2019 Most Valuable Athletic Trainer Award winner: Chris Snoddy

Chris Snoddy’s ‘we not me’ attitude is found at the heart of any great athletic trainer. Physical care is one thing, but protecting athletes takes a village… more »

Creating a sleep-friendly culture

The truth is simply urging athletes to sleep more doesn’t do much good. You have to get them to buy into what you’re saying, and that might take more than presentations and handouts on the benefits of sleep. It requires building a sleep-friendly culture.

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Examining subconcussive hits in sports

There is growing concern that low magnitude, more frequent subconcussive impacts could be the ticking time bomb that leads to long-term repercussions… more »

In-season strength and conditioning for Syracuse football

At Syracuse, strength and conditioning plays a major role in how the football team is able to maintain its up-temp philosophy. .. more »

Offseason training for South Carolina women’s soccer

How Assistant Director of Sports Performance Alex Buchman gets the South Carolina women’s soccer team ready for the season… more »

Post-operative rehab following hip arthroscopy

Hip arthroscopy refers to the viewing of the intra-articular aspect of the hip joint with the use of a small camera, the “scope.”
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