Sports Medicine

NFL, HBCUs Partner to Increase Diversity in Sports Medicine

The NFL, together with the NFL Physicians Society (NFLPS) and the Professional Football Athletic Trainer Society (PFATS), today announced the launch of the NFL Diversity in Sports Medicine Pipeline Initiative, which will provide medical students... more »

Mississippi State’s Athlete Engineering Summit Highlights Future of Human Performance

The future of human performance was on display during Mississippi State University’s inaugural Athlete Engineering Summit. The two-day event held at East Mississippi Community College’s Communiversity featured shared expertise from industry, military, and sports perspectives,... more »

Study: Competitiveness, Characteristics Predict Athlete’s Level of Sports Specialization

Sport specialization has been associated with increased injury and negative psychosocial effects on young athletes. With the continuing trend toward this route, studies have begun to examine what motivates this decision. According to published results... more »

University of Leeds Study Heart Health in Endurance Athletes

The University of Leeds project will see the men, all aged over 50, fitted with a small monitor under the skin on their chest to record their heartbeat. Below is an excerpt from a BBC... more »

Protecting the Young Elbow, Part I

Elbow injuries in young baseball pitchers continue to rise and reduce participation. Second to the shoulder, the elbow is a vulnerable area and prone to injury in the young throwing arm. Unfortunately, many young pitchers... more »

Warming Up to Therapy Options Other than Ice

In a 2011 study, people who iced a torn calf muscle felt just as much leg pain later as those who left their sore leg alone, and they were unable to return to work or... more »

How Much Should You Exercise to be Healthy?

According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), the ideal exercise regimen balances cardiovascular work and strength training. Their guidelines recommend 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity each week or vigorous-intensity aerobic activity for... more »

Fast-Growing Health Care Professions at ETSU

“When students decide they want to go into health care, they typically think of two things – a physician or a nurse. However, if you look at what comprises the health care team, it’s allied... more »

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