Challenge of the Week
Athletic Trainer Indicted with Former NFL Players in Health Care Scam
A Houston-based athletic trainer and eight former NFL players were recently indicted on a health care scheme that defrauded an NFL player trust fund, according to a report from the FortWorth Star-Telegram. Louis Ray, owner... more »
Injured AT: A time for growth & reflection
When an athletic trainer is sidelined with an injury, it can be a bump in the road. But it can also be an opportunity for reflection and personal growth… more »
Communication between athletic trainers and parents
Communication paves the path to success. Here are a number of avenues athletic trainers can take to improve communication with parents… more »
Weather the Storm: Part 2
One year after Hurricane Irma hit South Florida, Erin Cernuda, Head Athletic Trainer at Miami (Fla.) Sunset Senior High School, describes how she made it through the storm while still supporting her athletes… more »
Weather the Storm: Part 1
For those living and working in coastal regions, handling hurricanes is becoming a formidable prospect of late summer. In this article, former Texas Southern University Director of Sports Medicine Dr. Erin Hassler shares how she made it through Hurricane Harvey last year… more »
Up in Smoke
Athletic trainers and coaches in several states are working to keep student-athletes safe as they face poor air quality from wildfires… more »
Make a Connection
Athletic trainers who want to work in the operating room face a daunting task: developing a relationship with an orthopedic surgeon. Not to worry, says this author, who insists it’s easier than it sounds… more »