Mar 23, 2018
Meatless Always
Lisa Dorfman

There are many reasons why someone chooses to become a vegetarian. It may be rooted in religious beliefs, animal rights concerns, environmental consciousness, economics, health, or simply that they don’t like the taste of meat. Whatever the motivation, vegetarians who know how to adapt their diet to the demands of athletic performance enjoy much upside and practically no downside.

Here’s a look at a daily meal plan for a vegetarian athlete:


Whole-grain waffles with mixed berry topping

1 cup of soy yogurt

1 cup of mixed citrus fruit


Soy-based energy bar

1 cup of soy, hemp, or almond milk made into

a smoothie with a banana and berries


Veggie wrap with whole-grain tortilla and grilled

tempeh strips

Fruit salad: melon, banana, citrus, and pear

Vegetable juice


Endurance drink with high-carb sports bar


3 cups of whole-grain spaghetti with red sauce

and veggies

2 whole-grain rolls

Green salad with mixed veggies


Jell-o with whipped soy cream

Image by Ewan Munro

Lisa Dorfman, MS, RD, CSSD, LMHC, is a personal nutritionist for hundreds of high school athletes and teams and dozens of professional athletes, including those in the NFL, MLB, PGA, USTA, US Boxing, USA Taekwondo. She was the US Sailing Olympic and Paralympics Team Nutritionist for the 2008 Olympics.

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