Nov 16, 2017Fluid Movement
Agility is key for almost any athlete. But this is especially the case for basketball players, as they have to constantly jump, cut, and maneuver through tight spaces. If they are not agile, basketball players will have a tough time keeping up and dribbling the ball without shuffling their feet. In order to help your players tear up the hardwood, consider incorporating some of these agility drills designed for basketball.
In an article by Sports Fitness Advisor, the following drills are explained and illustrated. Some will help them improve speed and quickness on the court, some will improve coordination, and others will allow them to change direction with minimal deceleration. All of these areas are essential for their athletic performance.
1. Weave In and Out
Place markers or cones in a straight line with each set three yards apart. Then place another line of markers three yards to the side and a few feet offset. The idea is to create a zig-zag pattern if you were to draw a line from one marker to the next. And that is the line your athletes should follow as they sprint to the first marker and then side shuffle back and forth to the rest of the markers. Do this for six to eight repetitions and have the players switch the foot they lead with each rep. This drill can also be performed by shuffling backwards, a common movement in basketball.
2. Super Shuttle
For this drill you will have to use the dimensions of the painted area by the basket. Athletes should start underneath the basket with their backs to the court. They will then shuffle backwards diagonally to the shoulder and then sprint straight forward to the baseline, finishing with a jump to touch the net, rim, or backboard. Repeat six to eight times with 60-90 seconds of rest in between. Also, be sure to change the sides/shoulders they are shuffling to. The main focus for this drill is keeping the body low and minimizing the time it takes to change direction.
3. Box Drill
Use markers to create a square. Each marker should be about six yards apart. Then place a cone in the center of the square to mark the starting position. Assign a letter or number to each cone and then call out the letter/number at random. The player will sprint to the cone and shuffle back to the center before you immediately call out another cone. Repeat for 60 to 90 seconds and then switch players. This is a great way to train both physical and mental awareness, as it can be difficult for players to remember how the cones were originally ordered once they become physically fatigued.
4. Shuttle With Passes
This is another drill to do in the painted area around the basket. Players start by facing the court while standing on the baseline to the left of the basket. They sprint to the shoulder and receive a pass from another player or a coach, immediately pass the ball back, and then turn and sprint to the baseline underneath the basket where they jump to touch the net, rim, or backboard. Once they land, they sprint back to the top of the key, receive a pass, pass it back, and turn and sprint back to the baseline, finishing with another jump. They will then land, sprint again to receive a pass, but this time will keep the ball, dribble down from the shoulder, and drive towards the basket for a lay-up. Repeat this four to six times.
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