Mar 2, 2016
Twice as Strong

With the hope of building a stronger program, University at Kentucky football’s Head Strength and Conditioning Coach Corey Edmond brought in some help. After working together at the University of Oklahoma for two trips to national championships, Edmund knew that Mark Hill was his man.

According to an article from, Edmond made a pitch to Hill during the offseason. Although accepting the position meant leaving the University of Indiana, where Hill had been the head strength and conditioning coach for five years, he accepted.

“He just put it in a way that I knew it would work,” Hill told “So we set some egos to the side… We just came together with a collective effort to push guys and take them to another level.”

With Edmond and Hill working together, the team’s training is more intense. Along with that, the training schedule included more winter conditioning and “fourth-quarter” drills.

“If we want to be able to take on this conference, I’m not ashamed to say, I need help,” Edmond told “I needed help from people who know exactly what we’re looking for and exactly what we want to do and how we want to do it … I had to find a way to put enough minds together so I can have that same synergy when we did to go to two national championships.”

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